Wednesday 2 January 2013

Happy New Year and Time to Live

Helloooo Family!!!!!

Wow! I just read your christmas email from last week and also the one you sent this morning mom, thanks! wonderful to hear from you all. HAPPY NEW YEAR!  Talking to you all on Christmas was wonderful---you all sound great, and look great to! The celebrations of the year have been wonderful for us as well as missionaries. Its been fun, festive, filling and I cannot believe how blessed we are. It sounded like you all had wonderful wonderful family time! so glad.

Remember the atonement is real, do everything we can to repent, trust in the atonement and move on, be compassionate with yourself, we are so compassionate with others--be compassionate with yourself. THIS is one of the biggest lessons i am learning on my mission.

Transfer Conference yesterday! I was so like argh at the beginning, because i will do anything ANYTHING the Lord wants me to--I just love my companion loads and was sad at the thought of a new one, and then guess what happened? Sister Moldogalii and I will be staying together again! We will be working in the BEEHIVE HOUSE for much of the week, and our new assignment is SPORTS COORDINATORS, which means putting together some good exercise activies in the early mornings for the sisters. We are excited! And I was a little concerned with getting to comfortable---but we are determined to be diligent, work hard, and enjoy the calling of being missionaries yet again together! What a blessing. We are so happy! Our p-day will be on WEDNESDAY from now on I believe, so be sure to write next week for that. I don't think we will be allowed to check email again tomorrow, just once a week according to white handbook so we will OBEDIENTE POR SU PUESTO!!!

dad--i met a young man this week who came to the square. We took him on a spanish tour as he is from Mexico. Daddy his story is so similar to yours it seems. He came to orem on faith, planning to do ESL before going to UVU, and came to temple square to feel the spirit and receive guidance. He said at the end he felt so determined and inspired, which is definitely what we want our visitors to feel. he is staying with a missionary companion for the next two weeks, and is working on the next few steps of his life. I told him your story and he smiled and said, "I came with a little more than your dad, I at least brought $200..." See how similar he is? I was amazed! We will be praying for him and his life won't we! I am grateful that the gospel of Jesus Christ brings hope.

oh and the teasing from the sisters about page 56 in the ensign is hilarious. 

Family, I am so happy that you all are sounding good. I am so grateful for the letters and gifts and support I receive from all of you. It buoys me up . For the first time on my mission, I cried about missing you family---after the phone call. My companion started it, because she started like sobbing as she listened to you all sing What Child is This. So shes all crying, so i looked at her after the phone call, and said, Wow. And she just looked at me crying and said something that still rings in my heart, "You get to be with them... for forever." Thats when i smiled and nodded and cried, "Yes, yes I do." So i cried! bah! Sorry! But it makes sense to miss you all for a bit. But then I looked back at my companion and said, "I miss them. But I have to remember why I am here. Why would I leave them, why would i leave that? Because I want everyone to have this blessing, I am here to help everyone learn how they can be with their family for forever. That is why I am here." Family, friends, may we live our lives worthy of the Kingdom of Heaven. Keep the commandments, have faith, repent, make covenants with God, and remember those covenants with the sacrament, and change. Please! Let us not settle for less, because really do not have to. My family, I love you. I am doing best, I promise, I hope to be diligent, to keep working hard---jonathan, how did you find success in your ministry in hawaii?

I am proud of my family, I am honored to be a member of your family Daddy, and I am honored and blessed to be a missionary. Its a new year, but its really just a time to live, and love the Lord. enjoy it!

I love you! I have plenty of pictures to send home but I forgot my camera, so next time!!!
I can't wait to hear from you all soon. 
Sister Osorio

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