Monday 24 December 2012

Scripture and Modern-day Examples!

Well Good morning Family!!!!

Good to hear from all of you again, so nice. Christmas will be fun to talk to you.
Family i am doing so well! My soul is happy, and i truly love being a missionary. Its a great privilege. 
FAMILY we are more united than you may think! I also gave a talk in a family ward in West Valley on Sunday!!! WOO! I spoke about humility! And then I sang the primary song that you taught me last year, the one where Samuel the Lamanite prophesies of Christ's birth--and then the Hosanna, Hosanna! Such a beautiful song, and then this week on Temple Square I also sang BREATH OF HEAVEN SAME AS GANAE DID! Opa! I was like, wo how cool! I am glad your talks went well though, i bet it was so great. In my talk I spoke of how humility is dependence on the Lord, as well as confidence and courage in the Lord. No need to be timid about the cause of Christ, humility is knowing where your true strength lies. Like Nephi, that man was asked to BUILD A BOAT AND SAIL ACROSS THE OCEAN. Honestly, thats just so amazing to me, but he knew where his strength lied, "If God had commanded me to do all things I could do them. If he should command me that I should say unto this water, be thou earth, it should be earth...if the Lord has such great power, and has wrought so many might miracles among the children of men, how is it that he cannot instruct me, that I should build a ship." (1 Nephi 17: 50-51). We know where our strength is. We know it. The blessings of the gospel can be ours if we but do what we must in order to obtain them. Let us trust in the Lord, build OUR boats according to His instructions, and then, watch us sail. Always guided, ever guided across our oceans to our promised land. And then yes, I also spoke Jesus Christ, and His life and atonement of humility. Luke 24 I believe. 

ANYWHO! Jeshua---i am really touched that you and ganae are waiting to see the Hobbit. :) Its true, i don't mind missing it, but it does mean so much to me that you are going to wait. You and ganae are wonderful people, true examples of loyalty. Ganae, i am so glad you are sharing the gospel through things like the good samaritan that is really neat. You are so service orientated, such a Christ-like quality! And jeshua you ARE growing up. wow, i am proud of each of my family members.

DADDY! cool question! So really i can wear my Colombian flag whenever I want! And i do, i wear it on my winter coat most of the time. Our mission language is english, but we spake any of the languages we know at any time with guests and members. Right now we are teaching a woman over the phone in Peru. We have taught her the first two lessons, and she is expecting the local missionaries any day now really. We found her through one of the spanish members who came to temple square :). We have investigators in both languages, its interesting translating for your companion---and teaching in different languages too, because it should still by 2 by 2 teaching and preaching, so that makes the dynamics interesting. So I speak spanish whenever I have the opportunity, or whenever we are calling spanish speakers of course! I love it a lot. People can't tell where my accent is from, probably cause it is such a mezcla! Some people think I am from Spain/Colombia, because its clear and very annunciated. they like it! heheh, vamos hablar un poco por telefono. O y si! Mis abuelos son los mejores. Yo les amo.

Mom that backpack for my companion sounds perfect!!! Totally allowed, and her favorite color is pink so she'll love it. thanks sooo much for doing that, wow, i know she will just love it. her family in Mongolia is just so far away, she is the first missionary in her family---she is such an example to me of dedication. I call her Moses and she calls me Moroni sometimes! i also call her banana, and she calls me pineapple! haha, just language study things, I don't know, I guess its just one of those things that brings you together you know? 
We are staying so warm too! She is used to the cold from Mongolia--and I am doing just splendid with it, it is cold though! I am excited to see the Christmas package. Since my pday falls on Christmas this year we will open those gifts after our study time in the morning, its perfect and we will eat and then call you!

I LOVE our investigators. I really do want what is best for them. I am so happy to be here, its just so amazing. I will attach some pictures of us, on birthday and beyond! 
But I want you to know that I love you! That i am happy and strong! ummm I did go to the doctor today and am in the early phases of strep throat however ....:) Im hanging in there though! HA! I am going to go get some antibiotics (amoxicillllllllan!) after this, only a 10$ co pay so i'll be good no worries financially, and my zone leaders will find an exchange for me to stay home for the rest of the day---kinda disappointed i won't get to talk to one of our investigators in Canada tonight, she is so lovely and sincere and is reading the Book of Mormon diligently, and going to all the church activities and services, and meeting with the missionaries. Oh such an amazing example!

Family, I love you so much and i wish the very very very very best. I will be praying for the house, and for each of you---that we may all be unified, humble, full of charity and of course COURAGE, courage to accept the will of the Lord and courage to be do what is right and good.

With all my Love,
Sister Osorio

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