Sunday, 28 October 2012

An Honest Love

Sorry it has taken me SO long just to get this email out. I apologize! But it's a cute one and thought everyone would enjoy it! And also, a special shout out to those who have taken the time to read her blog and even write to her letters. I am so grateful to you and am so happy you love Elise like I do!

"Wow! So good to hear from you all!!!!!!!!!!! Mom, before I forget, that fudge you sent me is somehow still alive in my fridge.... as in there is not too much left, but it is definitely still being enjoyed so thank you. Anyways, again, so good to hear from you and from some of my friends throughout the week--so special! I keep all of my letters in this big folder thing, and its a special thing.

Anyways, I have learned so many things this week and I cannot wait to tell you all about them. But first, I want to tell you the most important thing: Jesus Christ is the Savior of the world, may we respect and love Him. Second most important thing (if I may flatter myself) I LOVE YOU. Man, I really do just love each of you. Individually, you each have different personalities but are all examples to me. Thank you so much for nourishing your divine qualities and attributes. I love reading letters from you, and I love my family fiercely!

We were  sitting in Sacrament Meeting (oh which I sang in with a group by the way, dad, your priesthood blessing is unfolding. I am still able to use music on my mission, i don't know if you remember lessing me with that but it's true. I use music frequently). Anyways, Sister Ito, a departing sister, gave her talk. She said growing up she became very less active, her mother had passed away, and she was so angry, and sad with Heavenly Father. Why would Heavenly Father take away her mother? It made no sense. So she did not believe and said she did all she could to break the commandments because she did not trust Him anymore. One morning, she came home after not being at her house in a while. She was expecting her father to be angry. She goes to the door and see a note waiting for her, expecting a reproof, she was stunned and the beginning of change came when she read this, "welcome home. You are so precious to me. I love you. I want to talk to you."--dad. That's why our Heavenly Father says to us every night in prayer, and especially when we ask him to forgive us. When we repent, and change EVERYDAY, we are coming closer to the Savior, we are coming back home. Isn't it cool how Sister It's dad handled that situation? With honest love! So, how is the mission going? There are no words to describe how grateful I am that I am learning how to love. I love my Savior. I learned that some more this week too. I love you Jeshua. I love my family with all that is in me. I love the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Temple Square is beautiful. I will be taking all of your advice and tips to heart. I wish I could keep writing for there are not enough words!!! But yeah, the leafs are blowing all around temple square and I can't help but walk through the square with A BIG SMILE, this is such a safe, blessed place, and everyday I get to try to bring others one step closer to Christ.

Sister Osorio

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