Thursday 18 October 2012

I Am Just Loving and Living!

Oh Family, I am just so happy to hear from you today.
So happy!
This week has been another wonderful week on Temple Square. I do love being here. I love how beautiful it is, just like you said daddy! Man! Its just such an honor and a privilege to be serving on Temple Square. Mom and Ganae, that roadtrip sounded awesome!!!!! How exciting! Ganae, I totally believe you can get into BYU summer term if thats what you want, thats how i started, remember? And it was wonderful!
Okay, this kid R2 from your 5 year old primary class sounds like just about the cutest thing. I am so glad that you and mom have that calling. It just sounds like so much fun, and a wonderful way to serve. Not to mention thanksgiving dinner is gonna be AWESOME with the Robinson family!!! Oh please tell them hello and how much i love them. Brother Robinson is such a dedicated, dependable man. And Sister Robinson is so service-oriented. We have wonderful examples in our lives, don't we?! When I read that, I just thought how cool that is that they are coming up here. Just have fun!!!! JUST HAVE SO MUCH FUN! It can really be such a happy time.

So this transfer has started out wonderfully!!!!! Justin was baptized and confirmed this past weekend, and Jan Tahm, our Cambodian investigator, was too. It was such an honor to go to Jan Tahn's baptism! That's right! Her cambodia ward is in West Valley, so we got to drive out there, and they had us missionaries share our testimony at the baptism. It was SO COOL being with a family ward and visiting with members. I've forgotten what that's like!!!!! And to bear my testimony as a missionary in that ward was just super special, especially with Sister Pen. This is her last transfer before she goes home to Cambodia, so to go to the Cambodia ward with her was so special. It was her first time there, and man! Sister Pen and I have become close. I love her and I can't believe this will be my last transfer with her! Lets not think about that too much.

I am so happy here. I am really trying to lose myself and completely become a consecrated and dedicated missionary. There isn't anything else I need to worry about. I just want to give of myself completely to this work. How did you do that on your mission Jonathan? and Mom and Dad too?! I just need to remember that I really AM a missionary and to BE where I am at.

Dad, I talk about YOU all the time because I'm practically serving a Spanish speaking mission... haha In fact, I think i have 4 Colombian investigators right now!!! And each of them are SO KIND. I talked to two of them this morning, and it looks like next time we wanna go to Colombia, we definitely have a place to stay ;). Colombianos son tan amables, osea! Daddy, it really is so wonderful, I love speaking and testifying about my parents and I do almost everyday. I am glad you are here. I am SO glad to know that my family is so close. Its such a blessing. I love it. I love you! So thank you for bringing the family here. Utah is a great place, no matter what anyone says. Pioneers have given so much to be here and establish it, so i am grateful to live in such a state that also has a rich heritage.

Oh the joys of home! I am glad mom. Oh and mom, that FUDGE WAS AWESOME.  I have a little less than half of it in the fridge. But my trainer, Sister Pen, is an expert trainer. She knows all of the best candy deals in town, and trust me, we use them. OH something interesting: in this new transfer, we are in charge of some of the city bus tours -- you know those hop-on, hop-off buses? We hop on for like 10 minutes of the tour and we are not allowed to proselyte, but we go around the capitol building and give facts about temple square and invite them to get off the bus and take tours with us (where we CAN teach). Its really unique and fun! Its helped me calm down, and slow down, and serve in anyway possible. I love it! I thought you might find that interesting. SOOOO if you all take a city bus tour of Salt Lake, you just may run into some sister missionaries from temple square!!!!

Jonathan and Nat nat, you guys are just so cool. I am so glad you play music and wrestle with the family. Sounds like a happy place to be. Hehe. have oober amounts of fun at Thanksgiving okay, all of y'all! Man are to have joy!! Joyful joyful and glory!!!!!

GANAE AND JESHUA you two little pipsqueekers hows it going? I just love you, too. You both are growing up, too! Can y'all believe that we are halfway done with October? Who would've thought this is where our lives would take us. Do me a favor, will you two, as siblings, lead the lesson in a family home evening or scripture study and focus on the blessing found in Mosiah 5? I just think that would be awesome. I read it this morning and I was like, MAN, its like I've never seen this before!!! Will you do that, and tell me how it goes when you do/ Ganae, and Jeshua, I am SO proud of both of you. Jeshua, it sounds like you are loving having your older brother around. Everyone loves having Jeshua around I tell you what!!!

Ganay nay! Remember the Mormon message video: things that matter most? You know how thats like our favoritest one in the world!!!!! Its our favorite for a reason! Loving God, Jesus Christ, our parents and our siblings always come first. Then comes service, and have faith that Heavenly Father can help us accomplish anything He wants us to. I love that, I believe that, I know that. No, obviously, you have a life! You have school and friends and ACT/SAT and all that jazz, the list goes on and on. Here is the secret, you start everything with a prayer, you remember our Savior and that He wants the VERY BEST FOR YOU, and then you work as hard as you can, and you remember Jesus Christ. If we remember Him most, we will be confident in our lives. So how do we prioritize? We put Him first, and then move forward with confidence that we can accomplish anything that lays before us, then we will.
Even eternal marriage ;) !!!!!! hahahaha! Just kidding

My dear family, I'm sorry if this email wasn't too interesting. I am just loving and living! And i love hearing from each of you and from my good old friends too.

Love, your Sister Osorio

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