Sunday 26 August 2012

Our Savior

Elise's letters just keep getting more and more excited about her mission! It's wonderful and we are just so excited for her and her experiences already taking place! Here's her latest letter, a little shorter but still as meaningful:

"As I was deciding what to write, I realized the only thing I want you all to know is that Jesus Christ did all that He said He did, and that I really love my Savior and Redeemer. Watch the Mormon Message: His Sacred Name - An Easter Declaration. Please, watch it, ponder it, write down your feelings about.

"This is my LAST WEEK IN THE MTC WOOOOO! And we started visitor training. We got to go to temple square a few days ago, and i felt like i was walking through the garden of Eden."

Elise encouraged each of us to visit Temple Square if we get a chance. If you can make it happy, "GO TO TEMPLE SQUARE" because "BOOM BABY THATS WHERE I'M GONNA BE FOR THE NEXT 18 MONTHS". Hahaha, oh Sister Osorio is just so happy! She's ready for her mission and is so happy for each and every one of us.

Much love from Elise! And I just want to say a special thank you to all who have written her and sent her packages. She appreciates them, loves them and calls them Gold! God bless you all!

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